Hakka Tree 客福家
Sometimes it is good to save our money for food. Doesn't mean expensive meals are delicious and inexpensive meals are nono for us to eat.. When comes to inexpensive meals, friends are always the one who help me to choose and think about cost. This is why i dislike choosing meals for everyone because i do not really know what they want to eat and blah blah blah reason. I will always thought of my friends are the best chooser compared me.. haha.
So yesterday after class ended at 12pm, we went to Tesco @ Tanjung Bungah because we have activities at night. (regret for not talking any picture when we were buying, choosing stuff and etc) Hmm, ignore about that, let's talk about food then. So we went for lunch after buying them. It is also located at Tesco @ Tanjung Bungah (inside of the tesco lah :D) It is called as, "Hakka Tree 客福家" @ Tesco Tanjung Bungah, Penang Street. This is a non halal store. Target customer is Chinese and Indian. People will think about budget for every meals they go if they already "bankrupt" like me. hahaha but you know as a food lover, I can search and search for the different cuisine of food from here or maybe somewhere else?
So today, I'm going to bring you all to the restaurant that my friends intro for me. A cafe that totally worth to pay a visit! BUT I WILL NEVER GO BACK AGAIN!!!! I am not sure whether im the only one who think that but i don't really like their meals taste.. Not all of the foods taste good as well.. and here's what we had ordered :D
How does Hakka Tree 客福家 looks like?
Here you are one of the part of Hakka Tree 客福家. Don't wanna be a crazy girl taking picture of the main entrace of the restaurant cause they will "suan siao" me :D Just jokingg.. too lazy to capture it
Have a try if you have walk by :D
Phone: 04-899-3887
Do update more delicious food and share with me so i can have try everyone :D
Enjoy :D